Good Morning | Tenaz Weight Loss
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7. Good_Morning_&_Good_Night.JPG

Speed up your Catabolic Metabolism with the Good Morning Capsules 

@ R500pm.


  • Do you battle to keep your weight off?

  • Is your Metabolism Slow and Unhealthy?

The Good Morning Capsule will boost your weight loss results and Speed u your Resting Metabolism.

Feed your Endocrine Glands to balance Growth Hormone and T3 naturally. This balance between Day and Night Hormones improve your ability to stick to the TenaZ program.

Good Morning helps to break down fat during the day. Boost your Catabolic Metabolism Break Down the food you eat faster for better nutrition and less hunger.

Take 1 Capsule in the Morning 30 minutes before Breakfast with a glass of water.


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